年度 |
參考文獻格式 |
2024 |
蔡泓育*,陳慈佑(2024)。每日遊玩電子遊戲的前因、身心反應與工作績效之影響:心流體驗的中介效果及涉入程度的調節效果。資訊管理學報,第0卷,第0期,頁0-0 [TSSCI]。 |
2023 |
Tsai, Hung-Yu(2023). Do you feel like being proactive day? How daily cyberloafing influences creativity and proactive behavior: the moderating roles of work environment.. Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 138, No. 0, p.p0-0 [SSCI]. |
2023 |
Tsai, Hung-Yu(2023). Ethical leadership influences proactive and unethical behavior: the perspective of person-environment fit. Ethics & Behavior, Vol. 0, No. 0, p.p1-12 [SSCI]. |
2023 |
Tsai, Hung-Yu(2023). The role of employee assistance programs under COVID‐19‐induced work–family conflict: Effects on service employees' work engagement and burnout. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, Vol. 0, No. 0, p.p0-0 [SSCI]. |
2023 |
Tsai, Hung-Yu(2023). How Does Ethical Leadership Lead to Work Active Employees? The Perspective of Self-Determination Theory. Current Psychology, Vol. 0, No. 0, p.p0-0 [SSCI]. |
2022 |
Tsai, Hung-Yu(2022). The Role of Job Insecurity in Emotional Exhaustion and Work Engagement During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Moderating Effect of Organizational Reward and Care Policies. International Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 37, No. 1, p.p1-32 [SSCI]. |
2022 |
Tsai, Hung-Yu(2022). Individual-Level Absorptive Capacity and Multidimensional Work Behavior in Tourism. Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 35, No. 2, p.p280-292 [SSCI]. |
2022 |
Lee, M-H, & Tsai, Hung-Yu(2022). A study of job insecurity and life satisfaction in COVID19: the multilevel moderating effect of perceived control and work life balance programs. Journal of Men's Health, Vol. 18, No. 1, p.p0-0 [SSCI]. |
2022 |
Tsai, Hung-Yu(2022). Exploring missing links between ethical leadership and multidimensional work behavior: the mediating role of multidimensional psychological ownership. Ethics & Behavior, Vol. 0, No. 0, p.p0-0 [SSCI]. |
2021 |
Tsai, Hung-Yu(2021). Role of psychological ownership in job crafting, work engagement, and counterproductive behavior. Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology, Vol. 5, No. 4, p.p366-376 [SCIE]. |
2021 |
Wang, I-A, Tsai, H-Y, Lee, M-H, Ko, R-C(2021). The effect of work family conflict on emotional exhaustion and job performance among service workers: The cross level moderating effects of organizational reward and caring. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 32, No. 14, p.p3112-3133 [SSCI]. |
2019 |
蔡泓育*、方沴淳(2019)。每日下上班正負向心情的關係:放鬆與心理抽離的仲介效果及盡責性與情緒穩定性的調節效果。。人力資源管理學報,第19卷,第2期,頁1-27 [臺灣人文及社會科學期刊評比暨核心期刊]。 |