年度 |
參考文獻格式 |
2024 |
江姿儀,顏炘怡(2024)。置入式行銷在郷土劇中的效果:觀眾對行銷手法的整體態度及準社會關係對產品態度之影響。當代商管論叢,第9卷,第1期,頁65-84 [TCI-HSS]。 |
2023 |
顏炘怡, 黃袽貽(2023)。應用服務主導邏輯探討遊戲化 APP 對品牌忠誠度之影響-以星巴克為例。當代商管論叢,第0卷,第8期,頁73-92 [TCI-HSS]。 |
2021 |
顏炘怡,王秀燕*(2021)。探索以學生為中心之社會實踐課程教學模式-以「青銀樂活之歌微學分」為例。服務學習與社會連結學刊,第0卷,第4期,頁41-64 [其它]。 |
2021 |
王秀燕;顏炘怡(2021)。當社區服務遇到疫情-臺灣P大學COVID-19新冠肺炎的因應經驗。社區發展季刊,第175卷,第0期,頁219-235 [TCI-HSS]。 |
2019 |
Chou, Ying-Chyi, Yen, Hsin-Yi, Dang, Van Thac, Sun, Chia-Chi(2019). Assessing the Human Resource in Science and Technology for Asian Countries: Application of Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy TOPSIS. Symmetry, Vol. 11, No. 2, p.p251-267 [SCIE]. |
2019 |
Chou, Ying-Chyi, Dang, Van-Thac*, Yen Hsin-Yi, Lai, Kuan-Ming(2019). Influence of Risk of Drug–Drug Interactions and Time Availability on Patient Trust, Satisfaction, and Cooperation with Clinical Pharmacists. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 16, No. 9, p.p1566-1575 [SCIE]. |
2019 |
Michael Yao-Ping Peng, Zhaohua Zhang,* Hsin-Yi Yen,*, Shu-Mi Yang(2019). Dynamic Capabilities and Firm Performance in the High-Tech Industry: Quadratic and Moderating Effects under Differing Ambidexterity Levels. sustainability, Vol. 11, No. 0, p.p5004-5019 [SSCI]. |
2019 |
Michael Yao-Ping Peng, Chun-Chun Chen,* Hsin-Yi Yen(2019). A Comparative Study of the Relationship among Antecedents and Job Satisfaction in Taiwan and Mainland China: Employability as Mediator. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 16, No. 14, p.p2613-2630 [SCIE]. |
2018 |
彭耀平;何希慧;顏炘怡(2018)。從自我決定觀點探討經濟弱勢大學生學習動機與學習成效關係之研究─以學習模式為中介變數。教育與心理研究期刊,第41卷,第1期,頁61-91 [TSSCI]。 |
2018 |
Chou, Ying-Chyi; Yen, Hsin-Yi; Yu, Shao-Jung(2018). Developing a temporary workforce transaction mechanism from risk sharing perspectives. International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 56, No. 5, p.p1865-1881 [SCI]. |
2018 |
Chou, Ying-Chyi, Dang, Van Thac, Yen, Hsin-Yi, Hsu, Pi-Shan Hsu(2018). Developing a Measurement Scale of Gender-Friendly Hospital Environments: An Exploratory Study of Customer Perceptions in Taiwan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 15, No. 10, p.p2227-2241 [SSCI]. |
2018 |
彭耀平,顏炘怡*(2018)。跨域創新教學課程對學生學習成效與學生能力影響之研究。教學實務研究論叢,第6卷,第0期,頁55-74 [TCI-HSS]。 |
2018 |
林谷合, 顏炘怡, 彭耀平*(2018)。國際化廠商選擇海外服務銀行之因素 —兩岸金融市場開放後台商 往來銀行移轉之意圖。管理研究學報,第18卷,第0期,頁1-32 [TCI-HSS]。 |
2017 |
王秀燕;黃淑娟;王蘭心;許芳瑜;顏炘怡(2017)。家庭暴力防治社區紮根初探-彰化縣推展經驗與成效。社會發展研究學刊,第0卷,第0期,頁34-77 [其它]。 |
2017 |
Chao, Y.L., Chou, Y.C., Yen, H.Y., Chen, S.J.(2017). The effects of earth science textbook contents on high school students’ knowledge of, attitude toward, and behavior of energy saving and carbon reduction. Science Education International, Vol. 28, No. 1, p.p30-52 [其它]. |
2016 |
Chou, Ying-Chyi;Yen, Hsin-Yi;Yu, Shao-Jung(2016). Developing a temporary workforce transaction mechanism from risk sharing perspectives. International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 0, No. 0, p.p0-0 [SCI]. |
2016 |
周瑛琪;顏炘怡;顏如妙(2016)。應用AHP建構台灣蘭花優良品種檢核指標。科技管理學刊,第21卷,第3期,頁1-26 [TSSCI]。 |
2016 |
Chou, Y.C.;Huang, M.G.;Yen, H.Y.;Dang, V.T.;Lu, C.H.(2016). A study of temporary workers under labor demand uncertainty by using compound options models. Transylvanian Review, Vol. 24, No. 9, p.p1270-1280 [SSCI]. |
2015 |
Chen, S.J.;Chou, Y.C.;Yen, H.Y.;Chao, Y.L.(2015). Investigating and structural modeling energy literacy of high school students in Taiwan. Energy Efficiency, Vol. 0, No. 0, p.p0-0 [SCI]. |
2015 |
Chou, Y.C.;Yen, H.Y., Yen; H.W., Chao, Y.L.; Huang, Y.H.(2015). The effectiveness of teaching aids for elementary students’ renewable energy learning and an analysis of their energy attitude formation. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, Vol. 2, No. 10, p.p219-233 [其它]. |
2014 |
Chou, Y.C.;Yen, H.Y.;Sun, C.C.(2014). An integrate method for performance of women in science and technology based on entropy measure for objective weighting. Quality and Quantity, Vol. 1, No. 48, p.p157-172 [SCI、SSCI、]. |
2012 |
Chou, Y.C.;Sun, C.C.;Yen, H.Y.(2012). Evaluating the criteria for human resource for science and technology (HRST) based on an integrated Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy DEMATEL approach. Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 0, No. 12, p.p64-71 [SCI]. |
2011 |
Chou, Y.C.;Change, P.L.;Yen, H.Y.(2011). The Temporary Worker Performance and its Antecedent Factors: From the View of Relationship Marketing and Internal Marketing.. Social Behavior and Personality: An international journal, Vol. 2, No. 39, p.p161-172 [SSCI]. |
2009 |
Chou, Y.C.;Yen, H.Y.(2009). Business Models for R&D Service Firms in Taiwan. International Journal of Services Technology and Management, Vol. 2, No. 11, p.p145-161 [EI]. |
2008 |
Chou, Y.C.;Hsu, Y.Y.;Yen, H.Y.(2008). Human Resources for Science and Technology: Analyzing Competitiveness Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Technology in Society, Vol. 0, No. 30, p.p141-153 [SSCI]. |